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The US government has made cannabis legal drug. Английский для юристов. Only hard drugs are controlled by law. Most of the demands were later enacted into the US law. Find in the text the equivalents for the following expressions: - давать возможность процветать - установить рамки - определенный образ поведения - платить налоги - не подчиняться правилам - в рамках «можно и нельзя» - наниматься на работу - обеспечивать соблюдение соглашений - разрешать спорные вопросы - налагать ограничения - давать гарантии. Read the text. If you were a wife a friend, a son of this man, what would you do? Comment on the attitude of the public to the situation. The Law concerned with non- criminal matters. It deals with social structure, the state system, organization of state power and the legal status of citizens. Make up you own sentences with these expressions.

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In Alabama it is not allowed to wear a fake moustache in church. To do something unpleasant to someone because they have done something bad or illegal a impose b obey c punish Make a literary translation in a written form paying attention to grammar structures. Русская Мощная Виагра таб. Вы можете дать описание этого человека? We can express moral and legal obligations not only with modal verbs. Пожалуйста, опишите, что вы видели. Classify the following situations into three types see the table below. Translate the following text into English: В современном обществе люди постоянно сталкиваются с правилами и нормами, зафиксированными в законах и постановлениях. In West Virginia it is illegal to do what underwater: - to fish - to sleep - to swim - to whistle 9. I am provided with everything I need. Прямой эфир. Unjust laws Laws can be either just or unjust. Foreigners selling tobacco to locals will also be punished. There is wide spread abuse of power in many countries. Translate the sentences using the words in brackets.

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    Harding said that previously his actions had been approved by passing police officers. He has still plenty of go at his age. When he was a teenager his father was secretly importing whisky into the country. Cutting Edge Intermediate 2 Greenall S. Write out from the box the words with the same meaning as the words below: Admire, analyze, argue, arise, authorized, begin, bizarre, capitulate, come from, confront, contemporary, contribute, counter v , curious, current, deliver, examine, explore, fresh, give up responsibility, honour v , insignificant, late, lawful, leave, licit, look into, odd, peculiar, permissible, present-day, protest, provide, queer, quit, recognize, regard v , resist, retire, rightful, sanctioned, singular, small, speak against, study, trivial, unfamiliar, unimportant, value v. Unjust practice that has become established: a abuse b rule c anxiety d legitimation 6. Retell the following information in English to each other paying attention to the word order and geographical names. Define the main idea of each of the three parts, summarize it in a few words, and give a title for each part. What matters do they deal with? In any society, laws have several characteristics. Этот пункт соглашения предусматривает обязанности сторон. A punishment for breaking a rule or b obedience law. Форма выпуска.

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